
I am now only 3 posts behind. Sick.

Okay shit, call me blood thirsty or blame my upbringing but if your going to put out a 115 minute CG reel for your explosion and robot effects studio, couldn't you at least well.. you know, kill lot and lots of people in horribly violent ways?

I'm going to disregard the story as it seemed superfluous to the film, but to summate it involves Christian Bale forgetting he's not Batman, Sam Worthington forgetting he's not American and something to do with computers.

My issue with the film is how they've managed to take a ROBOT WARPOCALYPSE with A 90 FOOT ROBOT THAT SHOOTS MOTORCYCLES OUT ITS LEGS and have it turn out with such tiny cinematic balls?!

When the audience isn't being beaten to death by the constant introduction of useless characters who are practically begging to be gored through the chest, you're watching an already destroyed wasteland explode.

I've assembled a list of things that will improve this film after those responsible read this review and recall their film for re-shoots:

- Assemble all the sub-characters, arrange them at the top of a staircase in order of height and have someone push them down (possibly a robot), pull back the shot frame to reveal that this staircase is located on top of an aircraft carrier circling a pit of cougars (possibly robot cougars)

- Keep the Post apocalyptic setting but give the destruction of the landscape levity and meaning by showing shots of buildings being filled with expensive televisions and children before they explode.

- Replace Sam Worthington's character with a current popular internet meme inorder to form a quick connection with the Gen Y market.
I suggest the current feline superstar, Keyboard Cat

- Maybe just re-write the script to follow the plot of the robot that shoots motorcycles out of it's legs.

Anyway, i give it this many


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